Labels:bulletin board | door | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | road | sky OCR: abcdefghijkiaenepqrstuvoxyz ABGOEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWOCYZ 0123456789 !@ $ .3 LELEFEN/? The quick bren fox juxps ever the Iazy deg. 18 The quick brewn fex juaeps ever the lazy deg 24 The quick brewn fex juaps ever the lazy deg. 36 The quick brocn fex juoops ever the tazy aog. The quick brocon fex juoops over the tazy deg. The quick broon fex juoops over the tazy aog The quick brocn fex juoops over the STUVWAYZ 123456789 JELFFEN fazy breon juaops juoo juoeps